Feeeeeed Me!

“I spite poo next to my food dish if I feel it’s too low for my liking.” Our kitty will yowl like she’s being murdered if her food dish gets too low, often times coming right up to your face to cry her song of woe. If she’s ignored for too long, she decides it’s appropriate to poo next to her food dish to get your attention.

Naughty kitty…

Yes, peeing outside of the letterbox can be a health concern. However, when it happens-and only happens-on 3 different baskets of cat toys it can only be a special kind of neurosis called ” dem’s Draper’s toys”.

Our Special Boy

Manny is one of our clinic cats, and he’s always into something. This day, he was particularly naughty as evidenced by him chewing the phone cord while being shamed for something else.