I discovered where Mom put the catnip. I stole it off of the counter, ripped the bag open, and had a party while my family was eating dinner.
I discovered where Mom put the catnip. I stole it off of the counter, ripped the bag open, and had a party while my family was eating dinner.
The car needed washing anyway.
The car needed washing anyway.
I thoroughly enjoy peering everywhere EXCEPT my litter tray, then I laugh when my humans step in it!
Stewie must think he needs to cover his poop thoroughly because apparently he thinks he needs to throw litter everywhere to cover it.
The litter tray is too far away from the TV…
Salem refuses to use the litter box
I rule the house, so when mom decided she would stay up all night and keep me awake I followed her every move and when I finally got her attention I popped a squat and took a long pee in the corner of her room as I gave her “the look” then I got in bed and went to sleep. -Dex
After mom takes a bath I sneak in the bathroom just so I can pee on the towels that she puts down so she won’t get her feet dirty after her bath because there wet. Because I can. And I don’t get in trouble because I’m just that damn cute.
-Cici the cat
Sometimes when I get too lazy to go to the litter box I just pee on the clean clothes in laying on! – darling