get over it. its a peice of paper in front of a dog/cat, with words on that they can't read, shown to humans via computers they can't use. It serves no purpose other than to amuse us. If animals were actually "hurt" by this, i'd be the first to protest against it – but the truth is, they don't care. I'll admit, some dogs do look guilty, however, is that down to the peice of paper by then, or how the owner has reacted to what they've done?.
consider that this photo might be sarcasm for the sake of social commentary on a couple levels. it's mocking the random and half conceived activism you find all over the internet. poking a little fun at shaming in general, something americans take both lightly and seriously at the same time. when shaming others, especially those we do not know or feel superior to, it's easy and fun, and quadruply so when animal shaming since they have no idea what you're doing or have a concept of human humor. the mirror reflects shame back on the viewer, and for a split second, they question they're own motives, not necessarily in shaming their pet, but how they treat others and themselves if they think about it for a few minutes. if we are taking the time to "shame" pets as a joke, anthropomorphizing their ability to feel shame in the way that we're "inflicting" it, then we must also consider why we shame the human condition, how it inhibits us, and how the prevalence of shame says something about our culture. it makes the viewer question morality in general, which is an objective whose subjects are debated with nary a resolution in this country, and in this light, such a touchy response reflects how we as a people automatically respond to deeper moral questions when they affect us personally, without questioning why we are so affected. reacting defensively as if this had been a serious post only proves this mirror's reflection is undistorted in the pet shaming image's distortion of reality. in all it's simplicity and magnificence, this picture tricks the viewer quite simply, and shows how shallow we delve into ourselves when surfing the net and identifying what we think we know about ourselves with what others skim from their tops to show us about themselves. we do not want to feel alone, even in our shame, or our ability to shame. quite a statement, i'd say, subtle as it is.
get over it. its a peice of paper in front of a dog/cat, with words on that they can't read, shown to humans via computers they can't use. It serves no purpose other than to amuse us. If animals were actually "hurt" by this, i'd be the first to protest against it – but the truth is, they don't care. I'll admit, some dogs do look guilty, however, is that down to the peice of paper by then, or how the owner has reacted to what they've done?.
consider that this photo might be sarcasm for the sake of social commentary on a couple levels. it's mocking the random and half conceived activism you find all over the internet. poking a little fun at shaming in general, something americans take both lightly and seriously at the same time. when shaming others, especially those we do not know or feel superior to, it's easy and fun, and quadruply so when animal shaming since they have no idea what you're doing or have a concept of human humor. the mirror reflects shame back on the viewer, and for a split second, they question they're own motives, not necessarily in shaming their pet, but how they treat others and themselves if they think about it for a few minutes. if we are taking the time to "shame" pets as a joke, anthropomorphizing their ability to feel shame in the way that we're "inflicting" it, then we must also consider why we shame the human condition, how it inhibits us, and how the prevalence of shame says something about our culture. it makes the viewer question morality in general, which is an objective whose subjects are debated with nary a resolution in this country, and in this light, such a touchy response reflects how we as a people automatically respond to deeper moral questions when they affect us personally, without questioning why we are so affected. reacting defensively as if this had been a serious post only proves this mirror's reflection is undistorted in the pet shaming image's distortion of reality. in all it's simplicity and magnificence, this picture tricks the viewer quite simply, and shows how shallow we delve into ourselves when surfing the net and identifying what we think we know about ourselves with what others skim from their tops to show us about themselves. we do not want to feel alone, even in our shame, or our ability to shame. quite a statement, i'd say, subtle as it is.
Wow get over yourself